So, time to update on my crazy life. Last time I posted, my Dad was undergoing pherisis for TTP, and the doctors were trying to figure out what was going on with him. Long story short, on May 22nd, he was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer, of unknown origin (they couldn't pinpoint the source because it was so advanced). He went home on oxygen for a couple of weeks and had chemo as an outpatient. Then he got sick with pneumonia, spent a few days in the hospital and then went home on June 18th, with the intention of Hospice at home startign the next day. But on the morning of June 19th, with Mom, my nephew, and a friend of my nephew's at home with him, Dad passed away. The weeks since then have been busy, with my brothers and I helping Mom as much as possible, and trying to just get over our grief. The good thing about it all was that Dad passed away without suffering from pain, it went quickly, and he was at home (like he wanted.
During this time, I've also been working quite a bit, and finding that I am loving this job.
At home, Thing One is at day camp this week (and I'm enjoying that break!), and Thing Two is happy to have me to himself for a while. I'm working on sorting out some of my scrap bins...I've been cutting strips into various widths and sticking them in ziploc bags according to
Bonnie's system. I've also been working on some block of the month stitchery projects that I'm behind on. No pictures of those yet. I've completed projects for two Christmas in July Swaps, both of which were mailed last week. I'll share pictures of those once they arrive at their destinations (one here in the US, the other far far away).
I did complete this tote bag back in early June. I like it a lot, but it is a little on the small side for me to use as my everyday bag. I also made myself a lunch bag for work. I'll get pictures of that to share tomorrow.