We have a new baby in my family! It's a big reason to celebrate, because there hasn't been a baby since my son was born 10 years ago. Of course now it's time for a new generation to be having the children. This time, it is my cousin Michael, who has a new baby boy born in February. The baby's name is Michael Jr. A couple of weeks ago, we had a "welcome baby" party instead of a shower.
I made a set of burp cloths with some neat fabrics that I purchased at Joann. You can find the tutorial
here . I did not add the ribbon as shown in the tutorial because I wanted these to be 'guy friendly' so that Dad would be happy using them. Basically, you add a fabric rectangle to a prefolded purchased diaper.

Of course I also had to make a quilt for the baby! It had to be something hip and modern as well as guy friendly. It also had to be simple and fast to make because I wanted it finished before the party, and only had a couple of weeks to get it done. I saw a picture of this quilt on Pinterest, and followed the link to an Etsy shop. The gal's blog indicated that she was planning to write a tutorial, but it hadn't been posted yet, so I just looked at her picture and guessed. I have no idea how mine compares size wise with hers, but this ended up being about 54X60". Kind of big for a baby quilt, but it will be useful for years (hopefully he'll wear it out before he outgrows it!). Overall, I'm very pleased with how it came out, but I do wish that I took a little more time to add more quilting. I get a chance to try again though, I've got a plan to make another almost identical quilt out of the leftover fabrics from this one. I'll share that when I finish (within the next few weeks I plan to get it done). I'm sorry for such a lousy picture...it was very overcast the morning I finished the quilt, and I couldn't wait to get a better picture because the party was that afternoon!

Next time, I'll share the pillowcase dresses that I recently made. I might even have more finished by then to show!