Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lousy Week

Remember how I said Thing Two was scheduled for surgery on Tuesday? We had waited FOUR MONTHS for the surgery to be scheduled. When we got the date, I told DH, "I have a feeling that something is going to happen and the surgery won't happen that day". Well, woman's intuition is always right. Thing Two was sick all weekend with a bug that has been going around here. And I just KNEW. Ugh. So on Monday, I called the surgeons office, who sent me to the pediatrician. The pediatrician said "You need to reschedule, he's too congested". Ugh. So we are rescheduled for the fourth week of March.

In the meantime, I'm still stitching. I've got all the Noah's Ark blocks done except for the Ark, which I hope to get done this weekend. Then I'm going to start with all the February blocks from the stitcheries I've gathered. I also need to make all those half square triangles for Judy L's Bears in The Farmhouse.

The other day I got an email from someone at our local newspaper. They have a section on their website where they link to local bloggers of interest and they post a link every time those bloggers have a new post. Apparently someone at the paper noticed my blog and they would like to link to me. Now I have to decide if I want to do that or not. Does anyone else's local paper do this?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Grrr...another busy stressful week, and there is more stress to come, Thing Two is having surgery next week. Please keep him in your thoughts on Tuesday. He is having major dental work done, and he needs to be put under general anhestesia for them to do the things that need doing.

In the meantime, Amy, I do have the information you asked for about the 'banned quilts', but the magazine is at the other house. Will post it on Sunday for you.

In this picture are the fabrics I have chosen for Judy L's Bears in the Farmhouse Quilt Along. My fabric choices might change slightly when I get going on this, but these are my choices at this point.

Last weekend,I managed to get the top together from the Capricorn Quilts Block of the Month. If you have a keen eye, you may have noticed that I used the same exact setting for these blocks as I did for my Solids Challenge Quilt a few weeks ago.

I did two more of the Noah's Ark blocks, now I need to tackle the last few (3 I think)and get that top together.