Last weekend, Thing One and I spent a day at the fabulous Vermont Quilt Festival. We had a great time and enjoyed seeing all the quilts and shopping. I was, in fact, quite well behaved this year. My only purchases were 4 stitchery patterns, a huge (12000 yard) spool of thread for piecing, and
this kit of inks and doodads for making marbled fabric with shaving cream. Think One watched Brian do a demo of this technique and she was enthralled. Once we talked to him about it, she was so excited about making marbled fabric that I couldn't resist buying the kit. So next week, while we are at the cabin my kids are going to make marbled fabric.
While we were walking around the show, we were surprised to see a whole section of quilts were being 'rehung' according to the volunteer. I later heard that someone apparently bumped into one of the poles holding the racks and the whole row toppled over...that is such a scary thought...I just hope that no one was hurt.
I'm going to show you some quilts from the show, but I'm probably NOT going to show the top prize winners because I've seen tons of pictures of those all over the place. Instead I'm going to show you some of the quilts that really caught my eye.
I'm also mentioning the quiltmakers name and the quilts name as well as the fact that I saw them at the VERMONT QUILT FESTIVAL, accordance with the program book guidelines for posting photos on a personal website (nice to see that spelled out, BTW, I've wondered if putting photos on my blog was legit or not)
This year, the collection of antique quilts on display was focused on 1930s quilts. There were lots of very pretty ones, and many great examples of how different the same design looks when colored or set in a different way. One of my very favorite quilts in this display was this one, Postage Stamp, owned by Debra Grana. This has more than 8000 3/4" squares and was probably made in Pennsylvania. I love the way the quilter used the black squares in this quilt.

This one also caught my eye and made me stand there looking at it for quite a while.
I don't have good notes on this one, but looking at the book, I think this is the quilt labeled as A49 in the show book, Philadelphia Pavements. I surely would love to have this quilt here at my house.

I love when I see a quilt in a traditional pattern that is set in a different way than you normally see. That was the case with this Tumbling Blocks Quilt (no information given in the book beyond the label of A 28, Tumbling Blocks.

I liked this quilt, The Geese of Sturbridge Village by Ellinor Allen because the quilting was pretty neat. And those reproduction fabrics are yummy, too!

I do think I need to go and buy this pattern. I wonder if I'd have the patience to actually complete this?? The quilt is Blueberry Pie by Betty Kisliner, and the pattern is Sampler Magic by Lori Smith. So pretty.

I came around a corner and saw this quilt, and said to Thing One "Hey, That's a Carolina Crossroads Quilt from Bonnie!" Quick check in the book, and I was right!
Mystery Leftovers by Kerry Mero.

This is one of my 'someday' quilts. Sliced and Diced, by Jim Brown. The pattern is Trail Mix by Mabeth Oxenreider.

Same design, totally different look. College Bound, by Avis Hayden.

Hmm...I have a quilt in this design cut out in one of my bins in Christmas fabrics. I wonder if I'l get to it this year? LOL. This is Stars and Scraps by Marlene Bottesi. If I remember correctly, the pattern in the magazine was called Morning Star?