Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Coming Up for Air

Sorry readers, I have not been absent by choice....things have been crazy here, but there is good news:
THE DANCE RECITAL IS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am on my second day recovering from an exhausting week, and unlike the aftermath of the dance recital most years, noone in my house is sick. I will be back tonight or tomorrow with a full report of what has been going on in my absences (I did do a small amount of productive sewing).

OH, and on a more important note:
MY SPRING DOLL QUILT has arrived safely. Sharon in Alabama sent m a beautiful quilt, which I will share with you in my next post. THANK YOU SO MUCH, SHARON!!!!

Need to go file the taxes today, run a kid to the orthodontist, clean the house, empty out the van, take the backup sewing machine for service, buy some groceries, make a few phone calls and tackle the mountain of laundry, then I'll be back to sewing and blogging. And I won't have to run the kids around to dance class continually (well, at least until spring/summer classes start in two weeks!LOL)

1 comment:

Renee said...

Glad the recital was a success. It's been so long since my daughter has been in one (she's almost 32). Anyway, I hope you take this in the happy spirit that it comes to you: Tag your it. I'm tagging you to give us 7 random or weird things about yourself on your blog. Just go to my blog to get the Rules. Sorry. Keep the piece.